The Incredible Power Of Your Language

In business, mindset can be a key determinator of success. By understanding the impact of the language you use in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, you can really boost your confidence and motivation and find yourself a sense of determination and surety not known before that will have you ticking off tasks and blowing your goals out of the proverbial park.


Your Language Creates Your Reality

Language is more than mere communication; it has the power to shape your reality. How you express yourself and the words you choose significantly influence your experiences and outcomes. By becoming aware of your language patterns, you gain understanding over the drivers of your thoughts and actions, and can use this knowledge to set the stage for positive change that supports you to move towards what you want.

Consider how a simple shift in language can alter your perspective. Instead of saying, "I'll try to complete this task," which leaves room for doubt and the possibility of failure, reframe it as, "I will do my best to complete this task." This minor change instils not only confidence and determination, but also creates a focus on completion and success. By eliminating language that allows escape clauses, such as the word 'try,' you take full responsibility for your actions, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment.


The Illusion of 'Try'

‘Do or do not, there is not try!’ Yoda (Star Wars).

To use a simple example: Have you ever tried to pick up a glass of water? Probably not – you either picked up the glass of water or you chose not to, right?  There was no try, you either did, or you did not. The word ‘try’ has a subtle way of undermining your commitment and resolve to do something and as such is not particularly helpful in helping you move towards your goals. It opens a door of doubt and suggest a lack of belief in your ability to succeed. In contrast ‘I’m doing ….’ has a more positive intention. Being conscious of your language and losing that old word from your vocabulary creates room for more powerful language that indicates decisive action and unwavering commitment to moving towards your goals and achievements without opening the door to excuses and reasons.


Powerless to empowered

When the door is open to excuses and reasons you are being at effect of the circumstances in your life. What do we mean by this? Well, you are taking on a belief that your thoughts, emotions and actions are determined by the events, circumstances and other people around us. This thought process embodies a sense of helplessness and lack of control. Your language may include phrases such as ‘I can’t’, ‘I have to’, and ‘It’s out of my hands’. It’s a state in which you choose to surrender your power and live in a reactive state.


On the other hand, you can choose to the be conductor of your own experiences. When you recognise that you have the ability to influence and shape your own experiences, by taking responsibility for your thoughts, emotions and actions suddenly you’re in a position of empowerment to create and make the changes you want in order to meet your goals, achieve your outcomes, and tick off those tasks. Your language will change to motivating phrases such as ‘I choose’, ‘I want to do…’, ‘I have options’. Words that support movement and action and are more conducive to growth, and learning.


Cultivating a Success Based Business Mindset

A positive and growth-oriented mindset lays the foundation for business success. By making simple shifts in the language you are using you can start to  reshape your mindset and take in the first step in overcoming limiting beliefs. The potential you can create for yourself and your business, just by reframing negative self-talk and adopting empowering language patterns is incredible and will change the way you approach tasking and projects in your business for the better. By embracing curiosity and a growth mindset, you’ll start to see challenges as opportunities for growth.


Mastering the way you use language is a foundational and transformative approach to enhancing your productivity as a business owner. By understanding the power your language has to shape your reality, you can communicate more effectively, foster commitment, and develop a growth-oriented mindset. This creates a flow on effect to the way you manage your time, streamline your systems, and approach the challenges and goals within your business helping you to take your business to whole new levels. It’s as simple as being aware of your language and consciously adjusting when you recognise the limiting language popping up. So give it a shot, you’ve got this!


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